*Automatically translated feedback into multiple languages.
Performance 10/10
Technical support 10/10
Response time 10/10
Availability of services 10/10
Quality/Price 10/10
radu dumitrescu
now 19
Servicii bune, preț bun, sprijin tehnic prompt și eficient.
george bogdan pavel
now 30
Îmi fac o deosebită plăcere să vă adresez această scrisoare pentru a exprima profunda mea recunoștință pentru serviciile profesionale și atenția deosebită acordată de către angajații companiei Hostico. Am fost impresionat de promptitudinea în răspuns, cunoștințele tehnice si amabilitatea tehnicilor. Datorită sprijinului dumneavoastră, am reușit să lansez cu succes noul meu site. Apreciez foarte mult parteneriatul cu Hostico și consider că echipa dumneavoastră este un model de profesionalism și dedicare. Cu cele mai bune urări,
mircesa trica
now 5
Buna ziua, Serviciile functioneaza si aveti suport in real time, ceea ce este un plus foarte mare. Ne-ar placea si daca ati putea totusi sa ne dati mai multe informatii cand ne pica vps-ul pe care il avem de la dvs. "Poate optimizati site-urile sau faceti upgrade de memorie RAM" nu este un raspuns foarte ajutator. Ne asteptam atunci cand ne-ati zis ca monitoarizati serverul sa ne spuneti si ce procese au dus la cunsumul maxim pe memorie, ca sa putem face optimizare. Deci ca sa concluzionam, serviciile de baza functioneaza foarte bine, aveti suport real time, lipseste in schimb un suport level 2.
now 5 months★★★★★
Sunt mulțumit de serviciiile oferite de Hostico. V-am recomandat și altor cunoștințe.
vasiliu costel andrei
now 7
Felicitări și mulțumesc pentru pentru sprijinul acordat !
radu laurentiu cristian
now 7
Deocamdată, nu am nimic de comentat, ci doar de apreciat. Cu deosebită considerație, Cristian.
sorina mihalache
now 7
Lucrez cu Hostico de 1 an si pana acum toate serviciile lor au fost la cel mai inalt standard. Am avut situatii atat de ordin tehnic de rezolvat cat si de ordin comercial si de fiecare data s-au rezolvat foarte prompt in cateva minute. Pentru ultima situatie ii multumesc domnului Patrick Turner din departamentul comercial pentru tot suportul si implicarea! Voi recomanda cu siguranta Hostico si altor antreprenori!
attila koles
now 7 monthsköles ladislau-attila pfa
Am făcut bine ca am ales sa colaborez cu Hostico . Au o echipa care te ajuta la orice întrebare .
octavian marian
now 8
salut, doresc sa las un feedback bun pentru colega dvoastra Andrea Zemba - Hostico , a fost foarte draguta.
alina gherman
now 8 monthstop storage
Am avut o problema cu legatura intre site si e-mail.Am contactat suportul tehnic si s-a rezolvat in aceeasi zi.
boghiu marius
now 8
Nota 10 pentru profesionalismul de care a dat dovadă intreaga echipa pentru rezolvarea problemei, bravo bravo 👏
steve martin
now 9
Just switched to Hostico and have been very happy with the support that has been given. The pricing for hosting is great, and the actual hosting is great as well. I am happy I found you guys!
now 9
Team hostico a fost promta si m a ajutat cu gazduirea web si transferul domeniului catre hostico.Cpanel este foarte usor de inteles si de utilizat.Multumesc si recomand !
florea adrian
now 10
Foarte mulțumit,
moldovan gheorghe
now 10
Foarte mulțumit de calitatea serviciilor și de preț deasemenea.
now 1
Recomand cu incredere serviciile oferite de Hostico
institutul de cercetari socio-umane sibiu
now 1
Profesionalism, promptitudine, flexibilitate, total dedicați satisfacerii cerințelor clienților.
laurentiu razvan
now 1 year★★★★★
I want to highlight the exceptional service provided by Hostico. Their hosting is fast, and their customer support is top-notch, available 24/7, even on Sundays. I highly recommend them for hosting needs!
alin sandru
now 1
Super de ajutor asistenta. Mi-am rezolvat problema rapid. Multumesc!
florin ghita
now 1
Colaborare fosrte buna si rapida cu echipa si raport excelent pret/produs. Colaborarea va fi pe termen lung.
latcu ioan
now 1
Foarte multumit, rapizi si intelegatori, servicii excelente; v-am recomandat la multi altii... Multumesc mult pentru serviciile oferite !
voloc andrei
now 1 year★★★★★
Cea mai tare echipa de suport clienti! M-au ajutat de fiecare data cu tot ce am avut nevoie!
anca mezinger
now 1
Experienta mea a fost foarte buna. Am reusit cu mare usurinta sa imi rezerv domeniu.
now 1
Dragă echipă, Aș dori să împărtășesc o experiență extraordinară pe care am avut-o recent cu Alexandru, un reprezentant din echipa voastră de suport clienți. Am avut nevoie de asistență pentru site-ul meu, care este găzduit pe platforma voastră, și Alexandru a fost persoana care m-a ajutat în mod exemplar. De la începutul conversației noastre, am simțit că Alexandru este dedicat în totalitate serviciului clienți și că își pune inima și sufletul în ceea ce face. A fost extrem de răbdător și a ascultat cu atenție toate întrebările și preocupările mele legate de site-ul meu. Nu numai că mi-a oferit răspunsuri clare și concise, dar a și explicat în detaliu fiecare pas pe care trebuia să-l urmez pentru a rezolva problema. Competența tehnică a lui Alexandru este remarcabilă. A reușit să identifice rapid sursa problemei și mi-a oferit soluții eficiente pentru a remedia situația. A răspuns tuturor solicitărilor mele cu promptitudine și a fost mereu disponibil pentru a oferi asistență suplimentară, dacă era nevoie. Nu mă simțeam niciodată lăsat în voia sorții sau neajutorat în timpul interacțiunii noastre. Cu un ton prietenos și o atitudine profesionistă, Alexandru mi-a transmis încrederea că site-ul meu se află în mâini sigure și că problema va fi rezolvată în cel mai scurt timp posibil. Cu ajutorul lui, am reușit să depășesc această obstacol și să restabilesc funcționalitatea site-ului meu fără niciun disconfort semnificativ. Nu pot exprima în cuvinte cât de recunoscător sunt pentru serviciul excepțional pe care Alexandru l-a oferit. Acesta este un reprezentant al echipei voastre care merită toate laudele și aprecierea. Profesionalismul său, cunoștințele tehnice și atenția acordată clienților reprezintă cu adevărat standarde înalte în industria serviciilor de suport. În concluzie, vreau să mulțumesc din inimă lui Alexandru pentru eforturile sale extraordinare în rezolvarea problemei mele. Echipa poate fi mândră să aibă astfel de profesioniști în rândurile sale. Voi recomanda cu încredere serviciile voastre tuturor celor care caută o gazdă web de încredere și un suport clienți de înaltă calitate. Cu cea mai sinceră apreciere, George
stircia beatrice
now 1
Multumim pentru rapiditate si profesionalism!
adi dance
now 1
Foarte multumit dupa 2 saptamani. Am fost placut impresionat de rapiditatea celor de la support.
zsuzsanna bony-rákóczi
now 1
Thank You very much for the excellent quality of services offered. During the migration of our website and databases to Hostico I really appreciated the very good technical support through e-mail or LiveChat (24/7 !), the flexibility, and the promptness of the whole team I have been in contact with. I strongly recommend Hostico! Merci mult!
elena corocaescu
now 1
Sunt ani de cand folosesc serviciile Hostico si mereu am fost multumita. Dar la ultima problema pe care am avut-o, baietii de la serviciul tehnic, in special Alexandru T., a fost fenomenal si foarte profesional. M-a ajutat sa-mi rezolv problema chiar daca nu era sarcina lui sa rezolve problema respectiva. Va multumesc mult ca existati !!
andreea lungu
now 1
Disponibilitate si comunicare excelenta din partea echipei Hostico! Servicii de nota 10+ la preturi foarte ok! Felicitari pentru experienta pe care o oferiti colaboratorilor Hostico!
naum adrian
now 1 yearb7an/ro
Domnul Robert a fost de un nare ajutor. Ii multumim!
bufan octavia
now 1
Promptitudine si servicii de calitate.
stanciu vasile
now 1
In mod surprinzator am fost ajutat de Bogdan fara sa ma expedieze pe un tutorial.. Mersi Bogdane!
sebastian anescu
now 1
Foarte prompti, receptivi si priceputi. Ma bucur ca lucrez cu voi baieti impreuna cu toti clientii mei si sa speram ca o sa avem in continuare o colaborare buna:D
roxana popescu
now 1
Cei de la asistenta tehnica sunt foarte amabili si de ajutor. Recomandam!
Șoiman florin
now 2
Servicii de înaltă calitate și asistență profesională
cristian d.
now 2
Servicii de calitate, recomand!
olteanu cristina
now 4 years★★★★★
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your promptness and kindness! I am very satisfied with the technical support offered by Mr. Alexandru Rogojan, I was pleasantly surprised. Many, many congratulations! I recommend Hostico!
andrei popovici
now 4
The Hostico team offered me real technical support in a very short time and responded to my requests every time. I strongly recommend :)
victoria tura
now 4
I am satisfied with the collaboration with Hostico.
mosnegutu cosmin
now 4
I have been using Hostico services for about a month, during all this time I have not had any dissatisfaction. My site runs perfectly from day one without lag, bug, etc. At the same time, I recommended to a partner to access Hostico services, the site being also managed by me, the same opinion! Thank you Hostico for the services offered!
lazar mihai
now 4
Super satisfied with the services.
sarca vlad
now 4
By the time we got to Hostico, we tested a lot of providers. After 10 days, we are very satisfied. The speeds do not compare with those from other providers in Romania.
marius iordache
now 4 years★★★★★
I am satisfied with the support of this site, I want to give feedback to a boy named Alexandru Jurca of grade 10, he helped me a lot and I thank him
adrian petcu
now 4
The most prompt technical support service! Day, night, whenever you wake up with the problem in your arms. Congratulations!
alina d
now 4
Simplified a lot the part with the acquisition of the domain and its hosting. 24/7 support beats any other service on the market. CONGRATULATIONS!
ibrahim m i kharis
now 4
Eu sunt foarte multumit cu aceasta firma. Echipa Hostico merita 10 stele. O sa colaborez cu Hostico in continuare
wasai cornel
now 4
Very satisfied, excellent technical support!
accounting studio
now 4
We recommend hostico services. Excellent technical support.
roca valerica
now 4
thank you. You are very kind and very prompt!
margus uus
now 4
Very friendly and professional service. Special thanks to support. Just the Best. Highly recommend.
radu prodan
now 4
I started working with Hostico 8 years ago, maybe better and it was my first - and only - choice in hosting. The services are exceptional and the prices are absolutely decent. In other countries we have not encountered such a quality of services.
cojocaru andrei
now 4
I recommend Hostico. Okay, I'm a novice in the field of domains, but thanks to the Hostico team, I have no worries and things are going very well. Domain and cpanel access was promptly provided. I'm happy with the hosting. You are a professional team. I will come back to you for other services. Have a lot of fun!
chiroiu mircea ionut
now 4
I am very pleased with your services. I needed a little help on the first day, and everything went quickly, I was picked up by an operator in a few seconds, and step by step I was guided to what I need to do. I chose Hostico, and if everything goes as it has until now, I will continue to pay for years for the services offered, which are of premium quality. Do you want quality hosting? Choose Hostico.
sorin vizireanu
now 4
Very satisfied, very good quality for a shared hosting, excellent price, very fast and attentive support team. I recommend.
adrian galbincea
now 4
I was impressed by your services. 24/7 support makes a big difference. Good and powerful servers. I have a business plan and I can't complain. I recommend this plan for those who want to run wordpress, it needs some resources to run well.
adrian necsoiu
now 4
I am very satisfied with the quality of the services and the technical support received! I received consulting before purchasing the services and later assistance for the configuration I wanted. You understood exactly our requirements, you answered patiently and you made sure that everything was fine. I recommend you with all confidence and I hope you always stay as good!
adrian balauca
now 4
very well!
daniel bradac
now 4
All your ideas are drawn here with the help of a grade 10 team. Beautiful and serious people!
florea marian
now 4
Very good quality services
now 4 years★★★★★
I return with a feedback after 4 years of using Hostico! I can't believe that there are still such good people, beyond the professionalism of the company !!! Quality services, super fast technical support and employees with less frequent availability !!! I want to especially thank Mr. Robert Sztrastyuk from the Technical Support Department, who guided me very calmly, extensively and in detail with a problem that had been around for some time. It was solved with the help of Robert Sztrastyuk, and the performance and involvement should be rewarded! <3 <3 <3 Thanks, Hostico! I have the same enthusiasm and gratitude as in the first year of the contract. Stay the best! <3
mihai popa
now 4
Accustomed to the failures of other "super-companies", I still think that the time will come when Hostico will snort and snap. I'm still waiting for her to bewitch and forget that ... it doesn't happen anymore, baby. Thanks for hosting, you are fine. I hope we stay together for as long as possible!
adriana cimpean
now 4
Good services, fast and quality support, excellent customer interaction. I am pleasantly surprised by Hostico and I think I made the wrong choice.
jipa doru
now 4
I recently migrated to Hostico. I am personally very pleased with the performance and the interaction with the specialists from customer support. I needed 2 times for their help and they responded very promptly.
lĂzĂu adrian Ştefan
now 5 years★★★★★
Services of note 10! The most serious! Good hostico !!!!
andrei radu armianu
now 5
5 star services. I highly recommend!
ciolcan stefan
now 5
I am pleasantly impressed with what they offer and how much seriousness and professionalism they put into everything they do. I recommend Hostico with the greatest pleasure ^ - ^
now 5
I am super satisfied with the services, the prices are accessible to everyone, the speed is good, the answer to the problems is prompt. I'm glad I changed the old hosting for the hostico.
now 5
Fast and quality services! Thank you Hostico!
now 5
Super response time, super technical assistance 10 plus
now 5
Company / Employees of note 10. Until now, I have made several requests to the technical department and each time they have guided me to the solution. You really need some knowledge, but I recommend HOSTICO over any other. Especially since they have 24/7 support, a huge advantage. Thanks HOSTICO, fine people.
sandu vasile
now 5
Hotico = quality, professionalism, seriousness, there is no problem in not helping these people. Whatever problem you treat with maximum seriousness, he explains, he guides you in whatever conjunction you may be. Last time I needed the commercial department, the same speed, seriousness and involvement in helping you. Thanks Hostico, thank you wonderful people from all departments. I recommend it to everyone, you will see the difference
corocaescu elena
now 5
Exceptional customer service available at any time for any problem. You are number 1
now 5
I write this review after more than 3 years since I use the hostico services, and I have always been helped, promptly and kindly advised by the hostico staff, I have never had any problems from them! In short, they are professional, kind and trustworthy! Thank you Hostico!
ne stiri
now 5 years★★★★★
I said that if I get to Sighet this year, I will run to you to congratulate you personally.
ceaus gabriel
now 5
The best hosting in Romania.
dan munteanu
now 5
I am very pleased with your services, impeccable customer service.
virgiliu cimpoeru
now 6
At HOSTICO, whether you are a professional or a beginner and taking the first steps in the field you will find the best solutions, adapted to your current and future needs ... Thank you!
tablet valentin
now 6 years★★★★★
Hostico, what can I just say that I am very pleased with their collaboration, note 10/10 ALL.
tablet valentin
now 6 years★★★★★
HOSTICO what can I say, 10/10, quality technical support, but I have also seen a host company with a web hosting package that can have resources that can satisfy me, and at the same time it can withstand very good, that is took the hosting package mini business, and I see that after the optimizations brought to the site, the processor is still motionless, something I really like. Not to mention prices, very advantageous. In conclusion and in the end HOSTICO is the best "THE BEST HOSTING" and I am very glad that, I have such a hosting company especially for quality hosting. A hosting company in the true sense of the word is HOSTICO.
drăghici ionuț
now 6
I highly recommend because I am very pleased with the quality services offered and 24/7 support
badea florian ovidiu
now 6
Congratulations to your employee, Mr. Catalin Lazar. Although I had a malicious attack, it helped me back up a back-up version and resume my work with minor losses. Thanks for the back-up made automatically by you without which I would not have had any rescue. I warmly recommend this company responding promptly at any time and always coming to my support with suggestions for improving the project. Ps: Backup was done at 3am. Happy Holidays!!!
marius costin cazacu
now 6
By far the best, solve problems in a very short time, quality / price ratio there is no better. Thanks Hostico !!!
talida ionita
now 6
I am very pleased! Technical assistance available 24/7, quality service, fast response time. I thank the technical team for prompt support and help even when it comes to another operating system (Linux). I trust it with confidence.
consultanta gdpr
now 6
I recommend services. A very good team with exceptional technical support. Thank you for your help!
dumitrescu mihai
now 6
Note support 10. And at 2 o'clock at night I received support!
cornel sandu
now 6
Super people, I do not have what to reproach, helpful, prompt, help you and when it is not their job at the site. Bravo to the hostico team, bravo to you, I recommend to anyone who needs such services. It doesn't matter who answers, they are all professional, friendly and know how to answer and help in any situation. Thank you
vlad alin
now 6
Most competent in what I do
hajdo laszlo attila
now 6
Note 10 for technical assistance, their response time on chat, and price-quality ratio. They are friendly, they respond quickly and on the chat, and I am kind of "said and done" company. Bravo Hostico ... that's how everyone should operate.
now 6
I am satisfied with the services, the site is moving well, the live support is efficient and the prices are decent. I will stay here for a long time more than sure.
case metalice
now 6
Our project got bigger immediately after the construction of the site where the people from the hostico helped us with problems even if it was not their duty. I recommend it to everyone!
deq alex
now 6
yes, I would eat your mouth. I have never regretted and I will never regret having chosen hostile. from the first day since i saw the promptness with which you "move" and that you are always here when i need help i realized i made the right choice. and yes, I can recommend you everywhere I have the opportunity. you are the best :) keep up the good work. sal, robyk, if you see this :))
proiecte case la cheie
now 6
Very good and at a low price! We recommend the Hostico team, they helped us a lot with our site.
extensiilux srl
now 6
I will recommend you further with the greatest pleasure, I am a client for 3 years, impeccable services I am glad that we have such services in Romania.
jermendy zoltan
now 6
A service without reproach from Hostico. I recommend to anyone hosting from Hostico, I received a real and very useful help from them for the implementation of my store. I am convinced that I have chosen the best hosting solution.
nicu manciu - formatie la nunta
now 7
I recommend the services of the boys from hostico. They have good prices and excellent support. Good luck.
fashion story
now 7
Thanks to the guys from Hostico. The services are impeccable. I recommend.
mihalcea daniel
now 7
I recommend Hostico from all points of view. Regardless of the time at which I called the technical service, they answered immediately and advised me without any problem. I recommend with the greatest pleasure. Good luck!
taraf nunta simona tone
now 7
Hello. First of all, I congratulate the Hostico team for the hosting services, which are impeccable. The technical support is also very good. In case of a problem, the solution has always been fast. Thank you. Good luck.
noul popesti
now 7
Good evening. I have been a Hostico customer for 3 years and I can happily recommend their services!
kidslikeit - andrei
now 7
I recommend hostic services, they are very prompt and have good prices. Good luck!
now 7
I thank the hostico for their services and support. All the best.
mobilier metalic
now 7 years★★★★★
Very good hosting services. The prices are accessible and the technical support of note 10. Thank you.
iris boutique
now 7
I recommend hosting services. Good prices and quality.
now 7 years★★★★★
Services for any pocket. I highly recommend.
now 7
I recommend domain registration services!
alexandru matei
now 7
There are no words to express the quality offered by! Thank you.
radu - transport moloz
now 7
I am satisfied with the services of the boys. The support is flawless. Recommended!
andrei sap
now 7 years★★★★★
Quality services and products, fast assistance. I recommend this company and I can say that it can definitely be positioned in the best company in the branch!
francisc vasile
now 7
At any time of day and night, find someone to solve your problems. Excellent!
ungureanu cosmin
now 7
I'm glad I found this hosting company so serious. The support is exceptional and the services are quality. Congratulations Hostico! - robert
now 7
Promptness! 24/7 Help! Maximum seriousness! Recommended! Note 10+
now 7
The support is of note 10 and the services also. Recommended!
alexandru costin
now 7
I recommend, the only hosting company that fulfilled with all the needs I needed.
silvana roxana coleasa
now 8
I am satisfied with your services and I also recommend it to your friends! I had support, professionalism and promptness from Mr. Sebastian. I am sure that I will have professionalism from Thank you and thank you for your work!
pintilie costel
now 8
Fedback positive. Servers work as expected. And at the minimum package, the price is even symbolic. Professional and patient customer service, given that the problems most of them were practically unknown and my inattention.
folie llumar
now 8
Hosting services are ok. I recommend it to everyone. Success!
gabriel gir
now 8 years★★★★★
Best, non-stop quality support, I recommend!
melody school
now 8
Services are ok. I recommend it to everyone, impeccable support. :)
now 8
now 8
In the last 7-8 years "I walked" through most of the hosting companies in Romania but for about 1 year I decided to stay at Hostico, both for the quality services and for the promptness offered by the technical support. I highly recommend!
stanciu luciana
now 8
Very satisfied with the services offered! Excellent technical support, I promise! Congratulations!
now 8
Stability, 24/24 quality technical support, performance and safety. Everything you need to make your site work the way you want it to. Thank you, The Team.
constantin cosmin
now 8
I am very pleased with the services offered! I was recommended by many this hosting company and I said: "Let's try!" and I did not regret it! I have all the esteem for all the people who work for us to offer us the best web hosting services!
diodiu andrei paul
now 8
Very satisfied, excellent technical support!
toma romică
now 8
Note 10 on line for all the services offered by Hostico. Congratulations!
tatuaje bucuresti
now 8
I recommend Hostico Services. The support guys are ok and very fast when I have a problem.
agentie publicitate
now 8
I have been a hostic client for 2 years. I recommend their services. The price is good and the technical support impeccable.
gradinita copii genoveva
now 8
I recommend hostel services. Very good quality / price ratio!
vdc development
now 8
We have always had technical assistance and quality services!
andra dobru
now 8
Very fast, friendly, and the prices are very good. Recommended!
gradinita copii titan
now 8 years★★★★★
I recommend the Services from Hostico. Prices are ok and acceptable. So does the support. Overall a very good service.
montaj apometre
now 8
I recommend the services of the boys from Hostico. The hosting services are very good and the technical support flawless.
catalin curelea
now 8
I have been a Hostico client for over 1 year. Compared to other well known providers that I have sought quality and understanding all I can say about Hostico: Note 10 Perfection is understood by stability, security and support of note 10 at any time of day or night.
cosma bogdan
now 8
Performance, response time, availability of services, quality-price, technical assistance, rating 10/10. Thanks hostico for seriousness.
restaurant popesti leordeni
now 8
The hosting service is ok. I recommend it to everyone.
contabil bucuresti
now 8
I have been a client at Hostico for 2 years. I recommend their hosting services. Support is very fast.
alina suditu - tehnician nutritionist
now 8
As a Hostico client, I can say that I am satisfied with the hosting services and I recommend it to everyone. The price is ok and quick support. Overall a service of note 10.
transport moloz
now 8
Services are and hosting packages are ok. I recommend further.
silviu popovici
now 8
From the first visual contact with the site, you inspired my professionalism and I chose without hesitation your services considering the advantages of the hosting packages and their prices. Excellent technical support, whenever I needed something, I always found someone to help me. I do not remember having dropped any site since I was a client. Thank you, Hostico.
scoala soso auto - paul
now 8
Hosting services are ok. I recommend it to everyone. The support is good compared to other providers that offer such services.
draghici ionut
now 9
How to describe A team of serious people and true professionals. Thank you
gabriela bratu
now 9
A very prompt team, I had only one problem, and the live chat was very useful, the guys from Tehnic immediately helped me find the problem. Impeccable hosting, my blog has never failed, I am very pleased with them and I will extend the subscription!
tapet bucuresti
now 9
I recommend hostel services. Good price / quality ratio.
produse naturale - naturalus
now 9
I recommend hostel services are very prompt and help you in case of problems.
nicolae andreea
now 9
The best hosting service I could find, the most important thing for me is the assistance you provide, and that I always get help on the spot, regardless of the time or day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
dan alexandrescu
now 9
Everything is superlative
rios - dani
now 9
The services are very good and an exceptional technical support. Recommended!
niculescu marian
now 9
It's great how at any time you get technical assistance through LiveChat! I have used this service several times and each time they have clarified and helped me
magician valentino
now 9
The services are very good and the support too. A quick response time. Recommended!
dalyf euro design
now 9
The services are ok, the support very good and the price quite reasonable.
now 9
I recommend hostel services, I have had no problems so far.
paul email
now 9
I recommend hostic services, the report is ok for companies regardless of their level of activity.
dr. mirela turcu
now 9
I recommend hostel services, the support is very good.
razvan manea
now 9
Bravo to you for the services offered and congratulations to the support team! I run such a support service and I can say that it behaves flawlessly. Once again congratulations to the team!
king von bee
now 9
I really think I had NOROC to "meet" HOSTICO! Not having the experience in this area, all I could do before registering my field was looking for specialized companies. It was only at Hostico that I stopped and registered the same day. The team is fantastic and friendly and professional, the availability and the technical assistance IMPECABILA and the value for money is unbeatable. What to ask for more ?! THANK YOU, HOSTICO !!!
victor palivan
now 9
I wholeheartedly recommend this hosting company !!!
clinica chrirugie - euguen turcu
now 9
I recommend hosting services. Unbeatable support.
now 9 years★★★★★
The best company in Romania, the services far exceed those offered by BTS about which the world says they have a very good webhost, but besides this is a small child.
vdc development
now 9 years★★★★★
We are a web development and development company! Hostico services were on our expectations! RESPECT
bodgan cristian
now 9
I recommend hostel services. Ok support and prices are good.
gabriel dumitrescu
now 9
Quality services, optimal prices and exceptional support. I highly recommend to all my friends!
now 9
Ok services, especially support. I recommend further.
martini lorenzo
now 9 years★★★★★
Only quality Ro service. I highly recommend. I have a few sites registered at dances and I can say that others are just that. Until 4 in the morning the service with the clients is active. Keep it that way
gabi ungureanu
now 9
Really professional services, excellent technical support, very good value for money.
gabriel alexandru - design94
now 9 years★★★★★
Hosting, domain registration and related services have a good value for money, especially the support is flawless. With a good response time and an uptime more than acceptable for the price of packages, I recommend the services offered by Hostico, further.
bogdacenco veronica
now 9
The hottest hosting service! Thanks to all the Hostico teams for their assistance and professionalism! Keep up the good work :)
now 9
Only words of praise, quality services and understanding of the client and those who are less initiated in hosting I think that I stressed the technical team did not joke but they supported me and came up with the idea and solutions.
paul azotei
now 9
The quality / price ratio is good and the support impeccable. I recommend.
sava sebastian
now 9
I highly recommend Hostico services! The site moves flawlessly and the support is of note 10. The prices are very OK for the services offered. Thank you Hostico!
rami print
now 9
Good value for money. Quick support. I recommend.
stancu bogdan
now 9
I recommend Hostico services, the support is very good.
francisc vasile
now 9
I signed up for Hostico. It all took a fixed 10 minutes, with payment and answer to all questions. That's somewhere around 3 in the morning. That is, the technical assistance service 24/7 does not decline. I am very pleased!
stancu bogdan
now 9
I recommend, good services and non-stop support.
dumitras paul florin
now 9
I am new to the branch, I have no idea what and how! so far I have asked online and I was promptly answered! I come back with another feedback after I come back and find out something about the job where I got stuck seeing on the net a cart of good words about hostico.
paul selectprint
now 9
I am very pleased with the hostel services, I recommend to everyone.
raymond media srl
now 9
An excellent company, which offers real 24/24 support. We have a VPS server that we have over 20 sites and we are extremely excited to have purchased this service.
sabau sergiu
now 9
A very serious company :)
andrei juganaru
now 10
In our field of activity it is important to have a flexible partner, willing to offer us customized solutions. We found this partner in HOSTICO and we are pleased with the choice made. We recommend HOSTICO solutions for quality and flexibility.
chitimia costi
now 10
The services were really tailored! Great technical support, no matter what time it is! Good luck in the future !
now 10 years★★★★★, without any exaggeration, have the best hosting services in Romania, and technical support is more than just flawless. It's the best. At any time of day or night Hostico is with you. I recommend with great confidence.
petrescu bogdan
now 10
All businesses rely on referrals and deserve recommended! 24/24 technical support convinced me to come pick them and I was more than satisfied. Deserves serious companies to grow and give nesimtitii faliment1
mut iosif-ilie
now 10
No but maybe the best host in Romania. Self.
stefan ardelean
now 10
I moved to Hostico because I have solved the problem in no time, while the old provider, after a week of discussions and explanations, were not able to answer me somewhat clear my questions and concerns. At Hostico I like that they support online, or at least you can talk to someone on chat. As prices that mean? Pay less, but get more :)))). I hope Hostico to maintain price and quality, also to treat customers in the future, with the same respect and professionalism that now and not fall into the sin of arrogance as others do or have done. Success! ;)
alexandru minzatanu
now 10
Services impecabile.24/24 prompt assistance and quality of service.
now 10
Best technical support from Romania!
draghici ionut
now 10
I highly recommend Hostico services. I am very pleased with the services.
raul molnar
now 10
So far I have not had web hosting service so good complemented by a technical support so promptly and professionally.
now 10 years★★★★★
I used a few times purchase of annual domains. ro are very pleased with what I've seen and technical support is 99.99 note :)
radu prodan
now 10
now 10 years★★★★★
Very good support, perhaps the best in Romania for web hosting and domains.
marian deaconu
now 10
Quality service and customer understanding. Thank you!
chiritoiu victor
now 10
I tried several hosting companies, attracted by lower prices, but Hostico was the best choice, and most powerful. The only time I contacted support was to transfer a site from them, I recommended and acquaintances, and are happy with your choice. Keep it up!
alex manaila
now 10
Super health, super good idea with that chat, thanks to Robert and Florin for help. Keep up the good work!
roxana boga
now 10 years★★★★★
Not long subscribed, but so far I am pleased. I had support at any time and technical department tried to solve my problems quickly.
nastase daniel
now 10
Serious and kind. What I liked the most? Professionalism that they show plus online work with the client, in my case stayed online until we have solved all the problems of access together. And I love that they are very well prepared technically, even if I as a customer I had transferred across multiple platforms applications, email accounts and storage webdisk. Even banutii fully deserves. And honestly ~ 5 euros per month ... it's really great space 10Gb. It's worth it.
mut iosif-ilie
now 10 years★★★★★
But exceptional support team, Note 10 + servers latest quality price outright. Self-Elijah Joseph Mut.
deaconu daniel
now 10
I recommend!
coman gabriel
now 10
I am old customer hostico recommend. One of the best hostinguri in Romania.
alexandru cristian
now 10
Outstanding service in all respects. But for a faultless performance recommend LiteSpeed Enterprise Server, and SSD for all hosting accounts.
adelina s
now 10
Thank you for your excellent support! Agencies are height so as kindly and as technical skills as well as hosting services. I highly recommend!
best media production
now 10
Incidentally I got to be client Hostico I immediately dropped to the services of another company which provides similar services as, reliability, commitment and above all respect that Hostico showed me made me wonder what else was paying some callousness. If you need hosting services, VPS, SSL, wholeheartedly advise you to call them! People open - help in absolutely any problem site - speed better than other servers - many useful options (in cpanel) in addition to other companies - around the clock assistance. RECOMMENDATIONS HOSTICO!
calin adrian
now 10
Serious company, guys understanding, good service ... I have nothing bad to say ... even I understood during the test about paying the bill ... I recommend to you the most pleasure.
andrei verdes
now 10
Support great! I recommend!
puiu bogdan
now 10
Serious and excellent technical support!
cujba petrea
now 10
Serious. We recommend
sabau sergiu-valerian
now 10
I love Hostico a serious company.
mihai dragos plesca
now 10
I greatly appreciate the technical support is non-stop and you can trust 100% regardless of the host would be webhost, vps, server or domain. Greeting Cards and Note 10 to the staff LiveParadis - Iasi.
now 10
I like and recommend them!
now 10
Good quality services.
cosmin ignea
now 10
Only words of praise, hosting services, kindly call center to 24/24, 7/7, Grade 10.
adrian trandafir
now 10
Finally, a professional hosting services and quality support and confidence that our business is in good hands about website hosting Mary Poppins Family Agency. Congratulations Hostico! Thank you!
aron herteli
now 10
I was excited about live support.
now 10
Before using Hostico, I've changed host companies in search quality. I'm lucky that I came across you and you do not have to waste my money on all sorts of "companies" Host 2 cash. Since I use Hostico 100% uptime, amazing speed and performance (+ a phenomenal price). Thanks
aura popa
now 10
The best option that I could choose it!
ingerii galbeni
now 10 years★★★★★
Quality service, good prices and a technical support note 10.
now 11
mihai giurgiu
now 11
I asked the company HOSTICO (Awesome Projects Ltd) in December 27, the date in which many companies do not work, restore a bill other contacts (from a PFA individual). In my mind, we hope to solve the demand in calendar year in question to fit the bill in accounting. I notice that at 17:00, I have rebuilt a new data bill and sent me mail alert separately in 9 minutes. Bravo for timeliness.
mihalcea valentin
now 11
Of all hostingurile used by me in four years since using the Internet to their websites, Hosted by Hostico is the best in all respects. Note 10 impeccable service.
now 11
Congratulations! Moving the service provided to you was successful and assistance provided was exceptional. Hope you have a good and long cooperation!
petrariu valerian
now 11
Prices are very avantajoase.Site my online.Cei's always the Hostico respond very quickly to any nelamuriri.Per total 10 of 10.Ma glad I found this site.
cosmin albu
now 11
Serious people who know what they do! I am very pleased with the service and I will definitely recommend to others. Quick response at any time, friendly people who always gives a solution, whatever the problem! Bravo!
raymond csirak
now 11
creare site
now 11
Thanks for the promptness and professionalism shown Hostico. We chose Hostico collaboration with the offer of domestic and foreign, as we claim to receive what we offer: service quality; thing that happened. We recommend!
marius alexandru
now 11
The best company!
marian cazacu
now 11 years★★★★★
By now you are very ok :)
l k
now 11
My experience with friendly and professional Hostico WAS always, a great team to work with. I have made a number of Significant changes to my initial designs based on the valuable Suggestions Offered by Cyprian. He is extremely creative, with a great visual and technical sensibility and very patient through the entire design process. Sebastian has high skills in working with people, guiding and explaining every step Them Which is Involved in Creating a brand image. I recommended the team from Hostico to all of our business associates and partners.
emil boboc
now 11
Very good service, are customer only 2 weeks, but I never had problems with the service. Keep up the good HOSTICO.RO!
cristian paraschiv
now 11
10 +
tiberi alexe
now 11 years★★★★★
You have impeccable service and prices vis a vis other hosting companies in Romania.Aveti German quality at prices accesibile.Multe hosting companies should put us above exagerate.De service quality than prices that have chosen, ptr can match the quality / price, which is rare in Romania.
gaiu madalin
now 11
Coolest host company. Respect for Damian and the rest of the team. I think it would be effective to make a script displaying the team is to support.
silviu popovici
now 11 years★★★★★
To me, the technical support is very important, and those from Hostico are always ready to solve my problems in a very scurt.Sunt very surprised by the quality services and affordable prices but they offer.
madalin ghenea
now 11
A site where I work for some years, the performance is seen every day ... is little to say! I highly recommend!! Let Hostico 1000 years!
ciobanu marian
now 11
★★★★★ web hosting service is very good and I recommend orcarei man looking for a hosting service have the web domain registration. Hostico qualities that I gave them high-performance, technical support services that responds in less than 60 minutes (depending on the problem), and price of services is very very good I recommend to all who want superior performance at a price very acceptable and good technical support, This is my opinion about Respect!
ratea iulian
now 11
are satisfied with services
gaiu madalin
now 11
You are the hottest hosting company that I worked
vitalie duca
now 11
I have only praise for your services are part of this 'virtual world' for a while, and I have experienced many companies and hosting providers, and I was nowhere so well 'groomed' as I was here. I intend to move all fields to you and buy a hosting plan for any business. I am deeply impressed with the quality they offer, and I will recommend your services to all. Sincerely, Vitaly Duca.
now 11 years★★★★★
Very satisfied!
dinu cristian
now 11
Services note 10. Congratulations!
dinu claudiu
now 11
So far everything is fine, performance, technical support response time, uptime and prices! Important is an issue: from now on be the same if you want to keep customers and have new customers. And most important is to maintain flexibility for each client!
gyurka mircea
now 11
There are no words to express the quality that they offer!, Every day I simnt safer to use the services we Hostico.In plus is the only company that offers 24/24. Thank you.
onuta radu
now 11 years★★★★★
Shortly use a VPS from and so far are happy with online support services especially with very short response time and protection against attacks on Forum meu.Sper a long term collaboration.
sandu adrian
now 11
Online support weighed heavily in the decision to become a client Hostico. Whenever, at any time, if you have a problem, there is someone who will reply. Working hard to find at many providers even outside.
micu tudorel
now 11
From well up :) Andrew is grade 10 *: D
stefanescu catalin
now 11
Faster as they enter the chimney Santa :) 100% positive feedback
vasile ana maria
now 11
I think most professionals in Romania. Respond immediately, regardless of the problem offers support and service costs are very low. I will soon start moving all sites to Hostico. Thank you!
stefanescu catalin
now 11
hostico better than no! GUARANTEED!
nastase alexandru
now 11 years★★★★★
I am delighted to hostico services, major projects, carry out only hosting here.
bogdan talpos
now 11
But I am satisfied than hosting and technical support received. I talked to Florin Pop and helped me with my problem and advice. In addition, I appreciate the correct type, although it is chat.
cosmin constantin
now 11
Raman always surprised by your services, assistance flawless, few in Romania this online support always active are 2010 client, I do not remember to be was offline support, Bravo to you, so go further, I have a suggestion , put on shoutcast radio, I go right for you known. With esteem and respect enormously. Cosmin.
now 11
true professionals. Grade 10 with congratulations!
enache sergiu
now 11
The most serious and prompt hosting company!
now 11
Support of grade 10, I had no problems until now hosting, I recommend.
now 11
They're the best, I have nothing else to say.
stefan octavian
now 11
Webhosting only in Romania that offers 24/7 support via livechat. All my problems were solved in less than 2 minutes work from the staff. All persons capable and experienced. Services with 100% uptime, everything works perfectly. I highly recommend!
tana alexandru
now 11
A great team
malcea alexandru
now 11
bita ioan
now 11
very understanding
now 12
radu lucian
now 12
I recommend all hostico. Quality Hattrick. I work with them for over a year and did not disappoint again.
now 12
I am very satisfied with the services offered special assistance in any matter I had an operator know that will help me
now 12
A host of grade 10 all you want from them we cuvinte.Enjoy :)
now 12
Definitely I will buy another pack and the hostico!
now 12 years★★★★★
The strongest support! Thank you
now 12
good of all. I want to say I'm very happy with the services hostico. every time I needed something guys responded promptly and quickly, I can tell they had a lot of patience with me as I've been asked. RESPECT:
radio simplu
now 12
We are very satisfied with the services we offer, such as Radio, and other service qualities are right, I have no words
sandru mircea ioan
now 12
So far everything is ok. Services are unexpectedly good.
now 12
1100 Visitors Online host moves flawlessly. Well done keep up the good work.
ciprian zuican
now 12
The best support online!
now 12
Quality service and support online for grade 10. Recommendations
now 12
alin Ştefan
now 12
Hostico recommend most reliable. My website is moving very good technical support is unique. You always help hard (even very late hours) you note from my 10 + So keep all that.
bradac catalin
now 12
I have no words to describe the seriousness and services hostico. We have hosted many companies website and was more offline than online, but hostico, if I would be in Romania. Bravo
vlad cocos
now 12
Until now, I have not found another hosting provider, to be better than hostico referring me to the relationship between price and quality (services provided)
tudor virgil
now 12
People with large addition note 10.
dima alexandru
now 12
Rating 10 out of 10 so far, very reliable, so I hope to always collaborate. Stay not know how to hosting but the domain you note 10 of 10
cosmin constantin
now 12 years★★★★★
a very serious company, online technical support 24/24 I never once saw offline, good prices even if recently put VAT and all have good prices. Why do not you ask them more than esteem and long life to live 1000 years ... respect :)
igor lesan
now 12
Good prices, good service, experience impeccable technical SELinux 10,000 out ... Thanks a lot
tudor virgil
now 12
Impeccable service!
dan belu
now 12
Although not the client these gentlemen have been treated as a customer: hats off gentlemen in front of you! Thank you! Sunday, June 17 11:04 pm hours.
raducanu robert
now 12
I needed help with sql / php and external connections. I got in touch with Damian, who explained everything, and besides this he offered a safe and favorable both to me and the server. An excellent type, good at what you do. Thank you very much for the assistance, and more than Damian. More and more people like him ... once again thank you, Regards, Robert.
lucian tanase
now 12
I am very satisfied with the services dvoastra, every time I needed a quick, online support was 10 stars. I can recommend to anyone.
now 12
The best hosting services. Exceptional value for money. Plus support seven stars. You are the best on the market in this area in our opinion.
tudor virgil
now 12
The best!
cristian ditoiu
now 12 years★★★★★
I bought an SSL certificate from you so do not know how to stay uptimeul. Probably better. I found it remarkable that a man online support knew what it was and knew how to guide me in my choice b all happened on Saturday
cirstea cristian edy
now 12
Grade 10, highly recommend for quality and timeliness's support.
stoica darius robert
now 12
In this way I wish to thank you for professionalism, quality, patience and probably almost everything missing from other companies of this type. Probably such services generally have to pay double elsewhere. I recommend!
s. andrei
now 12
I had time to test Hostico services and can say I'm satisfied. Unlike former hosting provider, Hostico is faster loading pages faster. Also, on a scale from 1-10 provides a 9 support. I received very prompt and professional answers, I was helped in a situation that was not necessarily related but installation hosting the forum. I can offer grade 10 because of 3 tickets to one to delayed long enough to respond to me having to reopen the chat window and get in touch with another person. Maybe it was an emergency, well, I'm happy with hostico, value for money, I think that is very good and services from other providers are much better and advantageous. If everything will work as before, definitely next year I'll pick them all.
stefanescu florin catalin
now 12
Very helpful!
jocuri online
now 12
You have a great hosting!
now 12
I was very pleased with the Hostico hosting services. I recommend with pleasure. Hostico is probably the best hosting company in Romania with a highly reactive and professional support.
viorel ilies
now 12
Best service in Romania, recommend the most pleasure!
alexandra ghita
now 12
Perfect 10! Keep up the good work!
laura petrescu
now 12
Promptness, professionalism, communication, Perfect 10!
viorel petrovici
now 12
Exceptional support services. Do a good job, to keep it still. I Like :)
coman gabriel
now 12 years★★★★★
I am very pleased with the service and especially Hostico offered support, they even offer 24/7 support that other firme.Recomand not all!
now 12
I am very pleased with the service works perfectly, excellent and competent support team. Bravo!
todirisca alin raul
now 12
I am very pleased with what you give me more tools especially sites with Hostico SEO.Voi still go for price / performance to me is 10.Iar note in the near future I will opt for a larger hosting package. Thank you.
now 12 years★★★★★
Support rarely find a good way: D
nicolaescu ionut alexandru
now 12
Thank you for the email sent and especially thank you for your support in purchasing the hosting me. Your team is among the few who really wants to reach the top of the best. Continued success! With respect Nicolaescu Ionut Alexandru
now 12
good, all the time looking for a hosting company to understand me always to find a somewhat technical support always online and without hope but me come over to everything changed, I do not know if there a time this time with them to be a one-time support offline! Good prices, great service! cards and will never change!!
sea lines co.
now 12
Hosting Services contracted works flawless so far. Technical support, phone call, was the one who convinced me to buy these services, the patience and the way you behaved.
virgil ghic
now 12
We chose accidentally after three years of experience with and countless problems we chose to host exchange company. It took a few days to move seven sites on a VPS. Technical assistance was excellent. I always had an answer to any problem in an optimal time. The advantage of this company is excellent technical support and extremely fast.
now 12
So far I'm pretty excited about this service, it really is great appreciation, I had no problems so far, so I praise you "are a reliable team"
daniel popescu
now 12
I love! Services have grade 10. Stand is too good to be true and yet it is! Only words of praise. No one can beat you if you keep all that. Online assistance is amazing, like no other hosting company. Good luck, I hope to grow up with the site and can recommend to more clients.
now 13
You are super! :)
stefan nicolae
now 13
I am satisfied with the services provided by Hostico. Are promptly when make the payment but when you need support. Thanks Hostico!
adi durai
now 13
Congratulations first Technical Support Team that helped in minutes with moving to another server, as these few GB: D site goes well. I am very pleased. The only problem is that the FTP hangs when I upload more than 3 files, regardless of size. Luckily the guys at Tech Support did upload for me.
moscalu sergiu
now 13
Service quality, the price is great and the technical support is fast and prompt. Buy with confidence from Hostico.Ro
stefanescu florin catalin
now 13 years★★★★★
Excellent. Professional support.
moscalu sergiu
now 13
I ordered this morning a domain with a hosting package and I can say that the activation was less than 10 minutes. It was quick and prompt. Buy with confidence!
stefanescu florin catalin
now 13
timeliness, reliability. all the Romans do good work :)
now 13
Very responsive to any problem and always have done anything. I highly recommend.
sorin rusi
now 13
Hello Hostico! I do not want to leave a message flattering, but are prompt and active 24/7. Glad hostico services and even managing a dedicated server :). Good luck and always with us :)
now 13 years★★★★★
The team note 10. Hat off to you, Quality / Price is exceptional to say the least. All Hostico No.1 esteem and pride in Romania. Thank exist. :) The most serious company so far, I have recommended and will recommend your company.
stoica gabriel
now 13 years★★★★★
Are largely satisfied with your servants. In connection with sitebuilder still did not understand the whole thing you can do, but in the future to understand. Thanks for the services offered and this month will bring a customer.
constantin dobre
now 13
Congratulations for everything you do! recommend! Grade 10 *
vlad popescu
now 13
The most serious hostico and unbeatable service, very cheap prices and high quality ... All so hostico
now 13
Service quality is very good, very good technical support ... in 10 min problema.Foarte solve many payment methods, low prices to everyone. Recommended!!
focsa george
now 13
The top 3 reasons why I satisfied with the services of Hostico are: 1. Technical Support even at 4 in the morning (I had trouble and was helped) 2. Uptime and speed of page loading my site very best. March. Affordable and diverse ways of payment for services. (Eg I am a person who very often do online credit card payments via the Internet, so I was glad that I could pay for the services Hostico just a few clicks without getting up from your chair.) In my opinion, the slogan of from Hostico should be: \ \ \ "Choose us, you will not be sorry. \ \ \"
now 13
Good evening! I am a customer in less than a month but very, but very happy that I found you! I got almost all my sites here at you! Thank you again and keep up the good work. A further pleasant evening!
now 13
Hello! I am very pleased to host you purchased, it's very fast and convenient. Keep up the good work!
b.p. sergiu
now 13
The second year together before work to grade 10, a rating of grade 10, grade 10 for a team! GG HOSTICO
cristian paraschiv
now 13
10 on the line!
now 13
reseller anonim
now 13 years★★★★★
1 - have a concrete site, the whole system is in place 2 - uptime is very close to 100% 3 - in 10 months never managed to catch the support offline 4 - have good prices on domains, and lead people physical, that are VAT-payers recommend max.
now 13
Impressed me quickly answer technical questions. In addition the server feels solid and smooth. I can only recommend Hostico services. Thank you.
grigoriu cezar alexandru
now 13
Very prompt! Online service non-stop have nothing to reproach, cheap prices for quality service which is superior to it. Very ok are happy!
cosmin constantin
now 13
Hi, I will honestly say from the beginning, do not know if I've met so firm when I was born, and I looked so firm five years, one day a friend told me look are decent company, I said yes to the job that others are ... When I started taking services and I started to see how it moves and non-stop online support, help operators do not lose composure even if you are in difficulty, in my opinion SHOULD BE KNOWN AROUND LUMEAAA BECAUSE WHAT ARE WORTH AND MORE GREAT COMPANY THAT I found it,,, I beseech to be alive 100 years from today onwards thank you exist .. ..
eugen jomir
now 13
I am pleased What I appreciated and I appreciate them is online support service that is prompt and help, really. Glad I discovered.
lorincz andrei attila
now 13
Very Good Recommendations
b.p. sergiu
now 13
I for one am very pleased with the services offered in quality / price ratio, though at a price so low I was not expecting such good quality at work and in connection with technical support I am speechless .... how many times I something you needed was there. Thank you.
now 13
I for one think I'm approaching the age of 1 year when their clients have a reseller from them and never had problems with them only if they were all my fault when you call support and they were very active and fast at times that time of day or night. I congratulate you guys for your hard work.
now 13
The site is up since I purchased hosting package from, and this company is one of trust. I recommend!
tranca gheoghe
now 13
In conjunction with the online help. It is flawless, but I have a suggestion if you could have dialog or sound, to see when he received a new message, for that may not even notice when entering the wire, or to put in the foreground, over all browser windows when something changes (a new message etc..) But anyway, 10 pt Hostico! All that! Thank you.
cosmin constantin
now 13
is far more serious company we gasito in recent years, are always online assistance helps you when you're hard problems etc ... recommend with confidence!!
dragoi marian
now 13
Indeed a company online support 24/24 not only on paper but also in practice. We have accumulated a few months since benefited from the services of this company and now I can say I'm very good. Obviously no quality Data Center, is no slouch. Congratulations!
now 13
About HOSTICO services can only say that for a long time was the best! ... And still are! Despite the fact that I had few technical problems, and did not publish that feedback, recommended HOSTICO!
fratica valentin
now 13 years★★★★★
Hmm, what can I say, a host of quality are more than satisfied, and I'm glad now part of this community and I'm glad you are one of the best companies in Romania host [perhaps even the best: D] I hope to keep your good work!
antoniu andrei
now 13 years★★★★★
A support million.
zavalide tatiana
now 13
You services that we apelet 3 times the dvs.daca still have offers on hosting or point ro, please instiintati.ptr also buy various pachete.Aveti all consideration do not compromising the quality of services future. A very satisfied customer!
now 13 years★★★★★
Unfortunately I have to say too much because I used your services currently only renting areas. Ro something that I find very useful. So I'm going to vote after I have left impressions so far.
anghel george
now 13
Hello ... I really had no problems with my site .. And thank you for assistance online that offer high level! How about quality .. excellent!
now 13
The prices are great, and I searched long to find a company to sell a domain. Ro a year (not for life) and therefore I think you have an advantage, do not you change this option. Technical support is very good, we had a problem at first site (I had not received mail data access) but I found it very easy technical support and within 10 minutes managed to solve the problem. The only thing I would cry (not a lot) server speed is sometimes very difficult loading sites (recovers quickly, but is something that could affect long time). Now I do not know if the package is taken or your servers anyway me satisfied and the final grade is 8.7.
dan godgea
now 13
now 13
Technical support and price are excellent. Thank you!
s.c exantar s.r.l
now 13
Hostico is the best in this field. Online Support Non - Stop Site administrators treat you with respect, prices are very affordable, what to say, IL recommend it INIMA.Pe future I turned all the services HOSTICO.RO super hard
tiberiu mindrila
now 13
Working with Hostico started with about half a year ago, so it is relatively new, but as far as I'm concerned, I say very pleased with the quality of services, we recommend further with greater confidence. Tiberiu Mindrila | ONOMEDIA
rusu ion
now 13
Very prompt, punctual and customer oriented. Keep going up.
pop stefania
now 13
I am very pleased with the services. Collective polite, prompt and more knowledgeable in the field. I recommend.
mihai gabriel
now 13
You are a great team. Thank you for helping beginners of me. Respect to you.
bojoga anton
now 13
Super cool: D
alex v.
now 13
I am very satisfied with the services Hostico. Assistance is quality and is focused primarily on the client. Thanks for all the help and services at prices lower than other competitors. Alex
ene cosmin
now 13
Excellent service with high standards of quality!
radu lucian
now 13
Most liked the Hostico technical support. Any problems I had my tech guys solved it in a few minutes. The only thing I do not like is that registration is 1 year or 10 years unlike other companies which make life. And the price of 10-year domain registration costs almost 2 times higher than costs in other life. Otherwise only words of praise!
now 13
Thank Hostico. A serious hosting service without interruptions and special support. No complaints. Full satisfaction. Webmaster
pop florin
now 13
I have two domains hosted multumit.Serviciul Hostico and assistance are the best that I have ever met or had the problem within 2 min was solved due hostico team. From my point of view have the best prices and the best support in Romania.
european art gallery
now 13
We are very pleased to collaborate with Hostico, catalog and care standards. I was pleasantly surprised. Grade 10.
now 13
After hosting companies can say that I tried right place. I can not fault him for services are very satisfied.
gherghe andrei
now 13
Perhaps the most appreciated thing Hostico customer service that is indispensable to such business.